Fundraisers can edit elements of their personal or team fundraising pages. To do so, log in to the Miles of Hope Community Walk for Breast Cancer site, and once in the Dashboard, click the "My Page" tab.
Currently, the editable elements are:
Banner Image: Select from a list of campaign images or upload your own with our easy-to-use drag and drop uploader.
The profile image can be edited in your profile section. See User Profile Section in the upper left corner of the site.
Page URL: In the Edit My section, click on the URL icon to change your page URL.
Fundraising goal: Change your goal by clicking on the Goal icon in the Edit My section.
Welcome message: Edit your "Welcome to My Page" text by clicking on the Welcome Message icon in the Edit My section.
Fundraiser Updates:
Fundraiser Feed: To add a new post, click one of the gray buttons above the Fundraiser Feed. A post can be text, an image, or a video. See below to learn more about the Fundraiser Feed.
Adding a Post: From the fundraising page ("My Page") in the Dashboard, fundraisers are prompted to post text, an image or video. Each of these post types can be canceled by clicking the "x" in the top right of the post window or to the left of the new post. Once a post is added, it appears in the feed with a date stamp to the left. Posts can be deleted by hovering over the post and clicking the trash icon that appears.
Text Posts: Fundraisers can post regular text updates to their feed by clicking the text icon.
Image Posts: Fundraisers can post images to their feed by clicking the image icon which reveals a drop-zone. They can then either drop an image onto the drop-zone or click to choose from the browser's select menu. On mobile, fundraisers can choose from their media library or take a photo to upload. Once the image is uploaded, the fundraiser can add a title and post.
Technical details:
Accepted image types are .jpg, ,jpeg, .png, and .gif.
Maximum image size is 10mb.
Video Posts: Fundraisers can post videos by clicking on the video icon which reveals a field into which the fundraiser enters a link to the desired video. The link must be from YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook. Once the link is entered, the fundraiser is shown a preview and prompted to enter a title for the video, after which they can post.
Facebook ID: To gain the ability to moderate comments on your page, click Facebook ID in the Edit My section and enter your Facebook ID.
To find your Facebook ID on a mobile device: Open the Facebook App → Go to ☰ → Settings & privacy → Settings → Apps and websites → tap an app.
To find your Facebook ID on a computer: Login to Facebook → Click the profile icon and go to Settings & privacy → Settings → Apps and Websites → View and Edit
Sending an Email
To send emails from the fundraiser dashboard, follow these steps:
Log in to the Miles of Hope Community Walk for Breast Cancer site. You will be redirected to the Fundraiser Dashboard.
Navigate to the "Email" tab
Click "Compose"
Select your email audience (recipients):
To send an email to a predetermined group of recipients, click "Select Audience", and choose from the "Select" dropdown groups.
To select your own recipients to email, click "Custom Audience", then click "Add recipient", and either select from your contact book or add new contacts to the contact book and select them. See below for instructions on how to add contacts to your contact book.
Next, select a template if you’d like to send a preset email, or skip this to type your own
Note: templates can be created while sending an email (see step 7), or in a separate way described below.
Type and edit the subject line and email content
(To create a new template from the email you created (to be reused at a later time), click “Save Template”, enter Template name, and click “Save”)
To send the email, click “Next”
Review your email (if you need to continue editing, select “Back”)
Click “Send”
Emails can also be sent directly from the contact book by selecting the desired contacts, clicking "Actions", then "Send", which will direct the fundraiser to the email tab to continue their email.
Creating and Accessing an Email Template
To create a new template, follow these steps:
Log in to the Miles of Hope Community Walk for Breast Cancer site. You will be redirected to your Fundraiser Dashboard.
Click the "Email" tab
Click "New Template"
Enter a template name and description (optional)
Type and edit the subject line and email content for your email template
Click “+Add” to save the template
Templates can also be saved while composing an email by clicking "Save Template" in the content step. Note that any selected recipients in previous steps will not be saved to the template.
Importing Contacts
In the Contact Book in the Fundraiser Dashboard, contacts may be imported from your email provider or directly from a CSV document. To do so, follow these steps:
Log in to the Miles of Hope Community Walk for Breast Cancer site. You will be redirected to your Dashboard.
Click the "Contact Book" tab.
Click "Import Contacts"
From the ensuing lightbox, choose your email provider. If you are importing from a CSV file keep following the steps.
Download the CSV template by clicking on the link 'click here'.
In your spreadsheet program, update the downloaded CSV with the required fields.
Back in the Dashboard, select CSV file option in the lightbox.
Click on the blue dotted area to browse the CSV file on your desktop
Upload the spreadsheet file and review the uploaded contacts list.
Once done, you should see the contacts in your contact book.